Dear Canada: A step back in time


Read a letter from the author

Maxine Trottier

Maxine Trottier is the award-winning writer of numerous books for young people, including Claire's Gift (winner of the Mr. Christie's Book Award), Laura: A Childhood Tale of Laura Secord, the Circle of Silver Chronicles, and The Tiny Kite of Eddy Wing (winner of the CLA Book of the Year Award).

A former teacher and an avid sailor, Maxine has long been fascinated by history and can trace her Métis roots to the mid-18th century. She is also an associate member of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan, whose purpose is "to honour the memory of these courageous people." While researching Alone in an Untamed Land, Maxine discovered that she herself is directly descended from a fille du roi.

Maxine lives in the small outport of Newman's Cove in Newfoundland, with her husband William and their Yorkie Moon.

Dear Canada books by Maxine Trottier:

  • Alone in an Untamed Land
  • Death of My Country
  • Blood Upon Our Land

Check out Maxine Trottier's other books.


Contributing to the Dear Canada series has helped me unlock secrets about my own family. From the Filles du Roi, to the Siege of Quebec, to the North West Resistance, each book I have written has uncovered yet another layer in my history. They have been satisfying to create, and wonderful to share.

May ten years be only the beginning. Happy anniversary, Dear Canada.