Dear Canada: A step back in time


The Death of My Country

The Death of My Country
The Plains of Abraham Diary of Geneviève Aubuchon

By Maxine Trottier

ISBN: 978-0-439-96762-4 Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4431-1999-3 Ebook
216 pages | Ages 9-12 | 5 3/8" x 7 5/8"

Geneviève is terrified that her beloved Québec will fall into British hands . . . and that her brother will not survive the fighting.

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From Geneviève's diary:

le 16 juillet 1759

A note came from Mère Esther. Mme Claire wept aloud as she read that Mère Charlotte and Mère Jeryan had both died at Hôtel-Dieu the night of the bombing and had been buried in the garden cemetery of the hospital.

The poor, poor sisters, to have died away from their home.

A flag of truce was raised by our French army today, so that a message could be sent to the British. It was made clear that we will never cease fighting or surrender. We will never give up Québec.

le 17 juillet 1759

Chegual and Étienne have returned unharmed. They were part of a war party — how hard that is to write — of Abenaki warriors who took three British prisoners who are now in the custody of our French officers.

The British prisoners said that Wolfe's army has not more than nine or ten thousand men in it and that he will not try a frontal attack, Étienne told us as they ate in the kitchen.

"And might you believe this?" he went on, his mouth full of bread and cheese. "An old man and woman are bringing refreshments to the British daily. Traitors!" His table manners have never been courtly, but I was so pleased to see him that he could have stuffed the entire loaf in his mouth and I would not have cared.

I said they must be lies, and asked whether he expected the truth from the British.

The firing has slackened on both sides now, which makes it easier to think. What if those old people are giving aid to the enemy? They are traitors, but what sort of things must have happened to them that would let them give comfort to the British?

From Dear Canada: The Death of My Country, copyright © 2005 by Maxine Trottier.


This was one of my favorite books yet! I truly love this book; it teaches you fact while gripping your attention. I love the way these books are seen through a child's eyes! The book is so sad; it made my eyes well with tears! Genevieve struggles but she holds on. It is odd though, I look extremely similar to her! P.S I think you should make these books into movies! I would watch them!

This book was a page tuner!!! I just finished reading it and I loved the Historical Note and the Epilogue in every Dear Canada!!! It was really sad and I was surprised how she married the Scot!!!
Emili M., Age 12, Manitoba, Rating: 9

The Death of My Country is a very good book. It shows the hardships and the emotional falls. Anyone would enjoy it.
Emily O., Age 14, Ontario, Rating: 7

This is an amazing book for anyone who loves history, this book express her life during the battle and the changes she has made and her relationship with her brother and friend. This was my first dear Canada book and I loved it so much I can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Emily C., Age 12, Ontario, Rating: 10

This is a very sad book! But still awesome!!
Hailey H., Age 9, Saskatchewan, Rating: 10

I absolutely love this book! Genevieve goes through so much and she is a strong-willed girl!
Linda D., Age: 12, Ontario, Rating: 10