Dear Canada: A step back in time


Read a letter from the author

Kit Pearson

Kit Pearson is one of Canada’s best-loved historical writers. She’s the award-winning author of The Daring Game, the acclaimed Guests of War series: The Sky Is Falling, Looking at the Moon and The Lights Go on Again, as well as Awake and Dreaming, and editor of This Land: A Cross-Country Anthology of Canadian Fiction for Young Readers. Kit has won numerous awards for her writing. She has twice been a winner of the CLA Book of the Year for Children Award and the Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction. She has also won the Governor General's Literary Award, the Mr. Christie's Book Award and the Ruth Schwartz Award. She is a former librarian, and one of Canada's foremost writers for young people.

The main character in Whispers of War was based on Kit's great-great-great grandmother, Susan Merritt. Family legend says that she was the one who buckled on General Brock's sword for luck just before the fateful Battle of Queenston Heights. Her newest novel is The Whole Truth.

Kit lives in Victoria, British Columbia.

Dear Canada books by Kit Pearson:

  • Whispers of War


When I was young, the only book I ever read about Canadian history was our grade seven textbook, The Great Adventure by Donalda Dickie. I pored over its text and illustrations, intrigued by events I had never heard of before. How thrilled I would have been if the Dear Canada series had been published then! Present day readers are so lucky to have Canada's history presented to them in such a personal, exciting and accurate manner. Through each character's eyes another part of our country's story is illuminated and interpreted. I feel honoured to be part of this series. Not only did I learn more about my family's history, I now feel like an expert on the War of 1812!