Dear Canada: A step back in time


Read a letter from the author

Jan Andrews

Jan Andrews was recognized across Canada as a storyteller. Her books have been shortlisted for the Governor General's Literary Award, the Ruth Schwartz Award, the Manitoba Young Readers' Choice Award and the Red Cedar Book Award, and are included in the International Youth Library. Her picture book, Very Last First Time, has become a classic. Folktale collections such as Rude Stories and When Apples Grew Noses and White Horses Flew: Tales of Ti-Jean were critically acclaimed.

Jan was always an avid outdoor persona. Her experience of the joys and struggles of being in cold, wet, windy places are evident in her Dear Canada book, Winter of Peril. Her heroine, Sophie, shares in Jan's English heritage, and finds ways to ever increase her courage, determination and consideration for those around her.  A member of the Order of Canada, Jan Andrews died in 2017.

Dear Canada books by Jan Andrews:

  • Winter of Peril


A writer friend once told me: "We have to know our stories. The stories tell us who we are, what we face and how we will face it." For me, that is what the Dear Canada series is all about: us knowing ourselves as Canadians so we can carry a sense of ourselves on into everything we do.

The series has been such a success too. Everywhere I go, I see eyes light up at the very mention of the words, Dear Canada. I meet readers who cannot wait to get the next volume and the next. Being part of all this is quite simply a privilege to be danced about with and enjoyed.