Dear Canada: A step back in time


Winter of Peril

Winter of Peril
The Newfoundland Diary of Sophie Loveridge

By Jan Andrews

ISBN: 978-0-7791-1409-2 Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4431-2817-9 Ebook
224 pages | Ages 9-12 | 5 3/8" x 7 5/8"

Sophie's father is determined to travel to the New World and write an epic poem about his adventure, against Sophie and her mother's wishes. After their long voyage, they arrive to a "new world" indeed. Will they be able to survive the winter in this harsh country?

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From Sophie's diary:

Sunday, September 3, 1721

Reverend Jacobs gave thanks for a good season and for the successful discovery of this new fishing place. I tried to be filled up with thankfulness but it is hard. After the service Papa kept rubbing his hands together. He went around exclaiming about how soon this would be "his kingdom, his domain."

Monday, September 4, 1721

I have been to Papa and asked him to relent.

"But this is only the beginning," he told me.

For a moment I thought of somehow taking away his papers and his quills and ink and destroying them. But then I could not think of how to do it. And anyway I did not think that it would work.

Instead I went to Captain Jones's tilt and put some purple daisy flowers upon the table. Mama says she will "visit the place" tomorrow. I cannot imagine what she will say when she does so. I cannot imagine how we will all of us live together there. Or perhaps I can and that is worse.

From Dear Canada: Winter of Peril, copyright © 2005 by Jan Andrews.


This book was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the first Dear Canada book I read and it got me started on the WHOLE SERIES!!!!!!:)
Ana R., Age: 10, Newfoundland and Labrador, Rating: 8

So Good Yet So Sad:(
Kaitlyn B., Age: 10, Alberta, Rating: 10

The very best Dear Canada book I've ever read and the first one. I've never read such a good book in my life, and believe me I've read a lot of books. I think that I liked it a lot because I can really relate to what Sophie is feeling. Going to a new place, leaving people that she loves behind. All in all I love Winter of Peril.
Gabrielle E., Age 11, Newfoundland and Labrador, Rating: 10

I really liked it. It was the first Dear Canada book I ever read. After I was done, I wanted to read it again!!!!!! I thought it to be pretty sad too, but that's what made me keep reading!!!!
Juliene B., Age 12, Saskatchewan, Rating: 10

This book was amazing, I loved it!!!
Danielle, Rating: 10

I love this book because my favourite subject is History!
Jumanah K., Age 10, Ontario, Rating: 9

So awesome, these books are great.
Brooke-lynn D., Age: 11, Alberta, Rating: 10