
Thank you for your interest in our books! All books and content published and distributed by Scholastic Canada Ltd. is protected by copyright law. If you wish to reproduce an excerpt of text or illustrations from one of our books, you must contact us first.

Teachers in Canada, please see Photocopying below.

Subsidiary rights requests for live stage adaptation, translation, merchandising, film and television rights/clearances, please see Rights.

Pour les demandes de reproduction de nos livres français, veuillez contacter Éditions Scholastic :


StoryWalk® requests should use the StoryWalk® Request Form.
All other permission requests must be made online using the Permission Request Form.

Please refer to the General Instructions below before starting a form.


Based on volume and complexity of requests, it can take 3 - 4 weeks for a response. Please allow sufficient time for a reply from us!


Scholastic evaluates each request on an individual basis and in most cases, charges a fee for use of its copyrighted material and to compensate creators for such use.

Determining Copyright Owner

Scholastic Canada can only grant permission for books published by Scholastic Canada. We distribute books from many of our international affiliates and other publishers, therefore we suggest that you check the copyright/imprint page of the book to confirm if Scholastic Canada is the original copyright holder before you contact us. Please review the Permissions FAQ for assistance.


If you are an educator in a Canadian school (excluding Ontario and Quebec), please confirm with your administration if your school has an Access Copyright licence or visit Access Copyright to learn more. Schools in Quebec are covered through Copibec. Please see our Permissions FAQ for more information. 

Alternate Formats

Requests to create Alternate Format versions in Braille or in other forms for persons with perceptual difficulties may contact directly with the book title and ISBN.

General Instructions

Before completing the Permission Request Form, please ensure you have on hand all the relevant details about your proposed work, i.e.:

1.  Requestor’s name, organization or company affiliation, along with contact information, including email address and phone number.

2.  Details about the Scholastic Canada book from which you wish to reproduce material, this includes:

  • Title
  • Author and illustrator, if applicable
  • ISBN and copyright year
  • Page number(s) on which the requested excerpt appears
  • Number of Illustrations you wish to use (if applicable)

3. All formats for your publication/product:

  • Print
  • E-book
  • Audio
  • Web/Online (public or password protected site)

4. Required details:

For Print use:

  • Proposed publication date
  • Format (hardcover, paperback, e-book, teacher's guide, etc.)
  • Print run (and expected users/downloads if e-book)
  • Total number of pages for each edition
  • Retail price for each edition
  • Territory/market in which it will be sold, i.e. Canada, North America, World, Educational etc.
  • Term

For Online use:

  • URL where the material will appear.
  • Approximate number of visitors/users per month.
  • Territory/market (Canada, World, etc.) and please indicate your ability to place access restrictions to the content based on the geographic location of users.
  • Is the site on a closed site (password protected or membership dependent) or open platform (i.e. YouTube or Facebook)?
  • Membership cost, if applicable.

If your request is complex and cannot be accommodated in the online form, please send in a written description outlining your project in detail to: