101 Animal Superpowers | Scholastic Canada
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101 Animal Superpowers

By Melvin Berger   and Gilda Berger   

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9780545826242 Paperback
112 Pages | 8.05" x 9.98" | Ages 7 to 10

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9780545829298 Ebook
112 Pages | Ages 7 to 10

Find out which creatures in the animal kingdom have the coolest superpowers in this new book in the 101 Animal series!

Discover some of the most extraordinary creatures in nature! This book takes a close look at 101 of the coolest tricks and superpowers in the animal kingdom. Find out how these animals' superpowers work and what they use them for-both to hunt and to protect themselves! Organized from A to Z, meet insects, reptiles, mammals, birds, and fish, all that have amazing super-abilities!