Tom Gates

Tom Gates Random Acts of Fun

Tom Gates: Happy to Help (Eventually)

ISBN 9781039703919 Paperback | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

It's TIDY UP Saturday, but Tom is VERY busy relaxing and not helping out much. Until he spots the art box of his dreams in a shop window and everything changes. He's suddenly focused on earning extra pocket money and helping with EVERYTHING.

But nothing quite goes to plan. Washing and shrinking Delia's clothes isn't a good start. And the hours spent carefully cleaning cars with Derek are ruined overnight when a storm hits Oakfield Town, causing even MORE chaos.

At this rate it's going to take a MILLION years for Tom to get the art box of his dreams... or will it?

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Tom Gates Random Acts of Fun

Tom Gates: Random Acts of Fun

ISBN 9781443196109 Paperback | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Some things are a LOT more FUN than others, for instance:
1. LEAPING in the air and accidentally breaking a bone in my foot. (NOT fun.)
2. Doodling on my plaster cast. (FUN.)
3. Hanging out with a kid who likes to eat sugar from a bowl. (NOT fun.)
4. Watching squirrels steal stuff from the garden. (Who knew that would be SO much FUN?)

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Tom Gates: Ten Tremendous Tales

Tom Gates: Ten Tremendous Tales

ISBN 9781443183000 Paperback | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

THIS book is FULL of EXCELLENT stories to make you LAUGH! Oakfield Town is having a PARADE and everyone wants to take part. ESPECIALLY Marcus (no surprise there). Mum and Dad have left Delia in charge, which is NEVER a good idea. And I find out that trying to have a sneaky scoop of caramel ice cream doesn't end well. BUT at least my doodling is as SPECTACULAR as ever.

Features 10 amazing stories!

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Tom Gates: Biscuits, Bands and Very Big Plans

Tom Gates: What Monster?

ISBN 9781443175586 Paperback | 240 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

This book contains MONSTERS - MYSTERY - A MUSIC FESTIVAL - MISSING stuff - ME and Marcus (not necessarity in THAT order.) AND a very strict supply teacher, but don't let that put you off.

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip

Tom Gates: Spectacular School Trip

ISBN 9781443182416 Paperback | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

THIS book is FULL of EXCELLENT stories to make you LAUGH!

Oakfield Town is having a PARADE and everyone wants to take part. ESPECIALLY Marcus (no surprise there). Mum and Dad have left Delia in charge, which is NEVER a good idea. And I find out that trying to have a sneaky scoop of caramel ice cream doesn’t end well. BUT at least my doodling is as SPECTACULAR as ever.

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Tom Gates: Biscuits, Bands and Very Big Plans

Tom Gates: Mega Make and Do and Stories Too!

ISBN 9781443182058 Paperback | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

A fantastic new Tom Gates book — packed with original stories, create-your-own monster cut-outs and endless doodling fun!

Mum and Dad have forgotten that it's the half-term break. What's Tom going to do to keep busy all week?!

Get excited for a week's worth of drawing, doodling, games, stories and activities in this fantastic new illustrated offering from bestselling author Liz Pichon!

Includes over 50 activities!

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Tom Gates: Biscuits, Bands and Very Big Plans

Tom Gates: Biscuits, Bands and Very Big Plans

ISBN 9781443170604 Paperback | 272 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

1. Write more songs about very important things like…. biscuits
2. Make sure there’s a good supply of SNACKS
3. Avoid Delia at ALL costs. She thinks I’ve been snooping in her room! (I have.)
4. DOODLE as much as possible, especially if Marcus is watching.

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

Tom Gates: Epic Adventure (kind of)

ISBN 9781443163774 Paperback | 256 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Having TWO sets of grandparents is turning out to be VERY GOOD for me. The WRINKLIES are KEEN on giving presents AND they're planning a FAMILY OUTING too, which is going to be EPIC. Dalia wants to come as well (Why?) I can always ignore her :(

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Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

Tom Gates: Family, Friends and Furry Creatures

ISBN 9781443148269 Paperback | 256 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Working HARD on my school project, I’ve found out all kinds of interesting FACTS I wasn’t expecting to. STUFF like:

• Mom and Dad got together because of cake (full story inside).
• FURRY FACT - Cats sleep for 70% of their lives.
• Peppermint ice cream is JUST WRONG.

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Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

Tom Gates: DogZombies Rule (For Now)

ISBN 9781443157384 Paperback | 240 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Here's my EXCELLENT PLAN to make DOGZOMBIES the BEST band in the WHOLE W I D E W O R L D! How hard can it be? (Very.) Right now I'm going to:

1. Write more songs (Not about teachers.)
2. Make a SPECTACULAR music video. (Easy.)
3. Get some sleep. (Tricky when you're being kept awake by LOUD NOISES.)
4. Annoy Delia. (Nothing to do with DOGZOMBIES but always FUN.)

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Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

Tom Gates: Super Good Skills (Almost…)

ISBN 9781443157292 Paperback | 256 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

THIS BOOK is PACKED full of EXTRA stuff to keep you BUSY if (like me) your holiday doesn’t quite go to plan. Who knew sticky notes could be SO useful for:
flipbooks and
nice messages on Marcus’s BACK.

This one’s for Delia. (ENJOY!)

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

ISBN 9781443157070 Paperback | 240 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

My tips for being the best in the class (sadly, I did NONE of these things.)

1. Stay awake in lessons (it helps).
2. Don't draw hilarious pictures of your teachers.
3. Avoid the class bully to stay out of trouble.
4. Don't let mum and dad write anything in your school planner.
5. Don't let your grumpy sister boss you around (technically nothing to do with school - but it's still important!)

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates: Absolutely Brilliant Book of Fun Stuff

Tom Gates: YES, NO. (Maybe…)

ISBN 9781443148283 Paperback | 272 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Sometimes making up my mind isn't easy to do. Especially when my grumpy sister Delia is LOOMING over me. Mum's on a mission to TIDY UP the WHOLE house. She says if I can't decide what to get rid of — she'll do it for me. Which would be a DISASTER! Luckily for me THE FOSSILS come to my rescue (more than once).

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Tom Gates: Absolutely Brilliant Book of Fun Stuff

Tom Gates: A Tiny Bit Lucky

ISBN 9781443146272 Paperback | 160 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Dad wants to make a KITE so we can go out and get lots of "FRESH AIR". I wouldn't mind getting more fresh air if we had a dog. But that's not going to happen because Delia's "allergic" to dogs (I think I'm allergic to Delia). Me, Derek and Norman are planning some SERIOUS band practice for the ROCK WEEKLY BAND BATTLE. We've got LOADS of time — so I'm not panicking. (YET!)

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates: Absolutely Brilliant Book of Fun Stuff

Tom Gates: Absolutely Brilliant Book of Fun Stuff

ISBN 9781443146210 Paperback | 160 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

This book is REALLY useful for LOTS of different reasons. It's PACKED full of good stuff to READ and do — which is handy if you're looking for things to keep you busy so you can avoid:

1. Spending “quality time” with your grumpy sisters (in my case, Delia).
2. Doing boring homework. Yawn.
3. Tidying your room.

This unique volume includes a hilarious new Tom Gates novella AND a whole bunch of doodle-tastic activities. It’s a must-have for Tom Gates fans!

And in case you see anything DODGY, be sure to check out our NEW and EXPANDED Tom Gates Glossary. It’s ACE!

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Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic (at some things)

Tom Gates: Extra Special Treats (Not)

ISBN 9781443139342 Paperback | 240 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Tom Gates: overachiever? We never thought we’d see the day!!

Tom’s latest goal is to earn a Star Pupil Badge. Marcus Mildrew has one, and Tom wants one so he can stay in the library at lunchtime and catch up on his comics. But it’s not going to be easy. To earn the badge, he’ll have to get his homework in on time . . . and as always, his life is full of distractions.

A new girl has moved in next door — a girl who hates him and keeps pulling faces. His grandparents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and Uncle Kevin thinks it would be a great idea to get a family portrait taken. Tom doesn’t. And as usual, Delia is being very grumpy.

How will Tom ever get his hands on that Star Pupil Badge?

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic (at some things)

Tom Gates is
Absolutely Fantastic
(at some things)

ISBN 9781443133661 Paperback | 272 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Tom Gates, master of excuses, expert doodler, and hilarious story-writer, is going on a class trip!

Exciting News! Mr. Fullerman announces that we're going on a class trip! Which should be fun. As long as I don't get stuck in a group with anyone who snores or worse still, with . . . Marcus Meldrew. Delia is already threatening to paint my room funny colours while I'm away. Which is annoying. I just hope the only surprise I have when I get home is the new pet that I hear Mum and Dad talking about. Because I've always wanted a pet!

This fifth book in the award-winning Tom Gates series is packed with cheeky antics and hilarious doodles. Plus: a doodle-filled glossary will help Canadian kids make sense of British terms (what IS a caramel wafer, anyway?).

Read an excerpt
The Brilliant World of Tome Gates

The Brilliant World
of Tom Gates

ISBN 9781443119368 Paperback | 256 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9-12

Meet Tom Gates — a master of excuses, an expert doodler, a comic story writer extraordinaire, and the bane of his teacher's existence!

In this recent recipient of the 2011 Roald Dahl Funny Prize, readers will find an honest, silly and laugh-out-loud book in the format of Tom's battered homework diary, crammed full of his scribbles and stories.

And in his wacky journal, you'll find all sorts of comic craziness to make you groan with glee! Hear about Tom's worst holiday ever ("camping sucks") and the time his parents went to parents' evening ("groan"). Tom's battered homework diary is crammed with his scribbles and stories, cartoons and ideas — as well as comments from the long-suffering Mr. Fullerman.

Warning! Do not attempt to read this in public. You will laugh loudly!

Read an excerpt
Tom Gates: Everything's Amazing (sort of)

Tom Gates:
Everything's Amazing
(sort of)

ISBN 9781443124911 Paperback | 424 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9 to 12

Tom Gates is back and things are better than ever! Well, sort of ...

Back to school, but it's not all bad. Sports Day, the school fair, and Tom's birthday are all coming up. And even better, his awful big sister Delia won't be at any of those events! On the downside, Granny Mavis is threatening to make his birthday cake. But on the other hand, Mr. Keen has asked Dogzombies to perform in front of the whole school! YEAH! Maybe they can even play at the school dance, too. How can the term turn out any less than seriously amazing?

Follow Tom on his third set of cheeky and doodle-tastic adventures in this Roald Dahl Funny Prize-winning series! Includes a doodle-filled glossary to help Canadian kids make sense of British terms.

Read an excerpt
Tome Gates: Excellent Excuses (and Other Good Stuff)

Tom Gates:
Excellent Excuses
(and other good stuff)

ISBN 9781443124393 Paperback | 352 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9 to 12

Tom Gates, master of excuses, expert doodler and hilarious story writer is back — and making the most of his holiday!

No school for two whole weeks leaves Tom with tons of time for the important things in life. He can forget all about school and the irritating Marcus Meldrew, and save his energy for the good stuff! Stuff like: inventing new ways to annoy his sister Delia (so many); band practice for the Dogzombies (rock stars in the making!); watching TV and eating caramel wafers; eating caramel wafers and watching TV. Excellent. Of course, he still has to do his book report for Mr. Keen...

Full of Tom's honest, silly, laugh-out-loud funny scribbles and stories — and a doodle-filled glossary to help Canadian kids make sense of British terms — this follow-up to the Roald Dahl Funny Prize winner The Brilliant World of Tom Gates is guaranteed to have readers in stitches!

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Tom Gates: Genius Ideas (Mostly)

Tom Gates:
Genius Ideas

ISBN 9781443133036 Paperback | 320 Pages | 6" x 7.5" | Ages 9 to 12

The highs and lows of Tom's life are funnier than ever in this fourth wicked diary in the Roald Dahl Funny Prize-winning series!

Seeing Delia without her sunglasses on is a big shock for Tom, but that's nothing compared to the surprise that Dad has in store with his new-found fitness regime! He says he's going to compete at the school Sports Day . . . can you even imagine the horrendous shame that will bring?

Meanwhile, Tom, Derek, and Norman are preparing for the school talent show. Tom is desperate to become a rock star . . . but will his band Dog Zombies actually get a chance to play, or will Tom's plans be thwarted by the Measly Marcus Meldrew?

This fourth book in the award-winning Tom Gates series is packed with cheeky antics and hilarious doodles. Plus: a doodle-filled glossary will help Canadian kids make sense of British terms.

Read an excerpt
Illustrations from Tom Gates series, copyright © 2014 L Pichon. All rights reserved.