How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
Illustrated By Mark Teague
About this book
Perfect for bedtime reading, children love the laugh-aloud antics of playful Tyrannosaur-sized dinosaur children who stomp and fuss and jump on the bed in this award-winning New York Times bestseller!Celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of the most popular good-night books ever. Simple verse and hilarious illustrations present common scenes of sly humor as enormous dinosaur children yawn and fuss and throw their toys about-before finally going to sleep.
Wildly popular, this book set off an award-winning series with more than 15 million books in print, and it's still going strong. Children will find the name of each dinosaur hidden in the pictures, which are a delight from start to finish. Be prepared to read it again and again!
Booklist--April 2000*Yolen, Jane. Illus. by Teague, Mark. How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? Apr. 2000. 40p.
Scholastic/Blue Sky,$15.95 (0-590-31681-8).
Age 4-6. The text is sweet and simple-just right for the wonderful pictures that really make this picture book spe- cial. Teague's art takes dinosaurs out of their usual con- text and plops them into bed (a rather comical fit) for a sleepy-time tale with a difference. Endpapers introduce the critter cast in all their gorgeous glory: tyrannosaurus rex, dimetrodon, and more, in vivid, yet still earthbound colors. Prima donna dinos, they yawn and fuss and throw toys about, procrastinating Oust like real kids) any way they can as human Moms and Dads, ready to put "baby" to bed, look on in various stages of impatience, anger, and surprise. The whimsical expressions on the "children's" faces give solid clues to the joke. By cleverly varying his perspectives, Teague adds dramatic punch to the pic- tures-readers watch from above as one behemoth baby whips its neck from side to side; they watch from below when another stamps its huge feet; and they're face to face with one snoozing T-rex hugging its teddy bear close. Alert lookers will notice the dino's name incorporated somewhere into each picture-pteranodon is neatly spelled out in blocks on the floor. A delight from start to finish; better buy more than one. -Stephanie Zvirin