There's a Fly Guy in My Soup (Fly Guy #12)
About this book
When Buzz and his family have dinner in a fancy hotel's restaurant, Fly Guy isn't allowed in. After searching through the hotel's trash, Fly Guy smells a wonderful aroma coming from the restaurant's kitchen.Fly Guy causes some messy mayhem in the restaurant, and in the end, everyone needs a bath!
Praise for Hi! Fly Guy"Readers drawn by the flashy foil cover will stick around to applaud this unusually capable critter." -Publishers Weekly
Praise for Fly High, Fly Guy!
"A shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readers funny and action-packed." -Kirkus Reviews
Praise for Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!
"Clear type, bright white space, and careful word choice make this a must-read for children ready for books a little more challenging than Elephant and Piggie." -Kirkus Reviews