Fox Walked Alone
About this book
Have you ever wondered just how the animals got to Noah's Ark?
One morning Fox awakens sensing that something is different. He goes outside and sees a line of animals going by. Curious, he decides to tag along—not to join them, but just to watch from a distance. He is followed by a pair of ravens who comment on his strange behaviour. Along the way he meets bears, porcupines, tigers. . . and he sets free a couple of doves in a cage. The animals walk, sleep, and walk some more. Finally they come into sight of a big wooden ship—and there, outside, is a young lady fox. "You're the one I'm waiting for!" she exclaims, and they all tumble into the ark.
"The story of Noah's Ark always leaves me with lots of questions, especially about the animals. How could they fit in? Could they all get along? And most of all, why did they decide to board the Ark? I worked on the story to try to answer these questions," explains Barbara Reid. "I chose a fox to be the main character for its sly, intelligent and curious personality. It's a companion to Two by Two from the fox's viewpoint, which gave me a chance to revisit a very rich story and spend more time with some of my favourite animals."