Series The Haunted Museum

Taylor has always felt a little like she belonged in ancient Egypt more than she does in the modern day. But when she helps stop a robbery at a branch of The Haunted Museum, the scarab she picks up doesn't seem to want to let her go. Mysterious people follow her from the U.S. all...
When Lily accidentally touches a painting at The Haunted Museum, she's pulled into a dangerous fight for her life! The more she learns about the history of the portraits she'd been mesmerized by, the more she finds about the artist who painted them and the girls in the pa...
Emma would rather be at her ballet class than at the Haunted Museum, but she can't miss her best friend's birthday party. In a spooky exhibit of music boxes, she's drawn to one in particular, in which a pair of dancers spin slowly to a haunting melody.But that very night,...
It looks like the high point of Samantha's spring vacation is going to be a glimpse of a cute boy she sees at The Haunted Museum in England. She and her sister, Jessica, and their parents are taking a cruise on the Titanic 2, a replica of the original Titanic, and there's not eve...