Series The Dragon Prince Graphic Novel

By Peter Wartman, Illustrated by Felia Hanakata
Learning magic is no easy thing, even for young Claudia. Despite a bit of help from a book of spells created by Kpp’Ar, her father’s former mentor, it’s all she can do to keep things from blowing up in her face—often with spectacularly messy results.
RI Racialized Identities
Every Moonshadow elf child knows the scary stories of the Bloodmoon Huntress, the evil sorceress who steals your blood on the night of the Harvest Moon. Everyone also knows those legends aren’t true. But for young Rayla, whose parents recently left her ...
Illustrated by Xanthe Bouma, By Peter Wartman
The Dragon Prince has been reunited with his mother, the Human Kingdoms and Xadia are at peace, and humans and elves alike are ready to move on.Only Rayla is still restless. Unable to believe Lord Viren is truly dead, and haunted by questions about the fate of her parents...