Series Super SHEroes of History

The names of most women of the ancient world have been forgotten, but those that echo across the centuries are a reminder of their power and achievements. The Pharaoh Hatshepsut ruled Egypt as a man and left a stunning funerary temple that still stands, while Lady Hao in Tang ...
From the first attempts to end slavery in the 1800s to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, women were in the forefront of the struggle to achieve equality for Black Americans. Rosa Parks in Montgomery and Viola Desmond in Canada both sparked effective mass moveme...
Greta Thunberg was only fifteen years old when she started School Strike for Climate in Sweden. Today, she leads a global opposition to climate change. Activist Wangari Maathai promoted the planting of 51 million trees in her native Kenya. Read about the bravery and courage of...
IS Indigenous Stories
Indigenous women were prominent members of their communities long before Europeans reached North America. When the newcomers arrived, they played a key role in holding their communities together in the face of social turmoil. Some joined male warriors to fight European settlem...