Series Pip Bartlett

Pip and Tomas have deal with magical creatures that burst into flames and runaway unicorns. Now they have to go under the sea to deal with a new group of magical SEA creatures that are very cute but also a load of trouble.
Some things Pip and Tomas will find when dealing with unicorns:SHOW-OFFS STAMPEDES MYSTERYA UNICORN WHO'S AFRAID OF EVERYTHINGSome things Pip and Tomas will not find when dealing with unicorns:PEACE AND QUIETPip Bartlett has a way with magic...
Here's a list of things Pip Bartlett can talk to:UnicornsMiniature Silky GriffinsBitterflunksBasically, all magical creaturesHere's a list of things she can't talk to (at least, not very well):ParentsTeachersBasically, all people