Series Learn About:Water

Did you know that when water appears in your home, it must disappear from somewhere else? And that freshwater supply has to be shared by 7.7 billion people on Earth? If people do not conserve freshwater, there will not be enough for everyone. The good news is that there are lo...
Did you know that water covers almost three-fourths of Earth’s surface? More than half the world’s creatures live in this water. And the rest cannot survive without it! That’s why it is so important to protect this vital resource, which has been threatened by pollution a...
Did you know that dinosaurs could have been splashing around in the water you drank today? That’s because all the water on Earth has been here forever. And it is always on the move! Water can be a liquid, a solid or a gas. Besides forming oceans and rivers, water can be foun...
Have you ever noticed that the water you drink is a liquid that has no color, no taste, and no smell? It’s also the most important liquid on Earth — nothing on the planet could live without it. Did you know that most of Earth’s liquid water is saltwater found in the ocea...