Series Learn About:The Five Senses

The sense of sight is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! Among many other things, it helps us see where we are going, recognize our family and friends, and learn in school. Learn about seeing, how it works, and common problems and diseases connected with it, with this ...
The sense of taste is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! Among many other things, it makes us enjoy food and recognize many different flavors, such as sweet, sour, and salty. In turn, it encourages us to eat and helps us keep strong and healthy. Learn about tasting, ho...
The sense of hearing is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! It helps us carry out a conversation and enjoy music and the sounds of nature. It also warns us if there is danger around. Learn about how we hear, and common problems and diseases connected with it with this p...
The sense of touch is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! Every day it starts working the very same moment we wake. It tells us that our pillow feels soft, the floor is hard, the shower is hot, and the juice is cold. Touch also tells us that tickling feels good and bump...
The sense of smell is one of our five senses. And it is amazing! It helps us recognize different smells, it brings back memories, and it keeps us safe. Smelling also enhances the taste of what we are eating! Learn about smelling, how it works, and common problems and diseases ...