Series Escape From

Artem lives in the sleepy city of Stalingrad, which has mostly been cut off from war with Nazi Germany—until the summer of 1942. That July, martial law is declared as the Nazis begin their unprecedented march toward the city. Artem’s older brother is a soldier in Stalin’...
December, 1961 - Marta is a young girl who saw thirty miles of barbed wire appear across her city overnight, separating Berlin into West and East — with Marta’s home on the Communist Bloc-controlled eastern side.--January, 1989 - Now a spray-pai...
26 April 1986 01:18 Alina & Lev are two siblings living in Pripyat, one of the Soviet Union's proud nuclear cities. Both are asleep in their beds. Their cousin, Yuri, is a custodian at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, where he's fiercely...