Series Chocolate Lab

Revenge is sweet!Mason and Hannah Cabot have their hands full with Labrador pups Cocoa, Nilla, and Licorice. Keeping chocolate away from candy-crazy Cocoa is practically a full-time job! But when a rival candy company tries to put the Cabots' chocolate shop out of busines...
One candy-crazed Labrador plus one feisty puppy equals double the trouble!When Mason and Hannah find a tiny yellow Labrador named Nilla out by the old mill, Hannah is dying to keep her. But Mason isn't sure that's a good idea. Not when they are busy trying to turn the mil...
Cocoa is cooking up trouble!Take one family's chocolate shop, add a dash of competition with the fancy new store on the block, stir in a candy-crazy Labrador named Cocoa...and you've got a recipe for disaster! If Mason and Hannah can win first prize at the annual Chocolat...