Series Baby-Sitters Little Sister

For New Year's Eve, Karen thinks everyone should make a promise. Hannie is going to stop biting her nails. Kristy promises not to talk to her boyfriend on the phone so much. And Karen makes the most promises of all — nine! But pretty soon, e...
Yay! Ms. Colman's class is putting on a Thanksgiving play. Karen wants to be the star, of course. But Karen is given the worst part of all -- the Thanksgiving turkey! All she gets to do is walk across the stage in a big brown suit. W...
Karen thinks there's a ghost in her house! But she's never really seen the ghost of Old Ben Brewer -- until now. Karen and her stepsister Kristy have found out that Ben Brewer and his spooky friends are going to have a birthday party in her ...
Karen loves to spell words. She is very good at it, too. First she wins the spelling bee in her class. Then Karen wins another spelling contest. And another . . . and another! Soon Karen might be the best junior speller in the state of Connecticut. She's even going to be on TV...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
When Karen adopts a grandmother from Stoneybrook Manor, she has more grandmas than anyone she knows -- five! Karen thinks that is very special. But Karen's new grandmother is so different! Grandma B makes Karen listen to old music. And she teaches Karen f...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
Karen's having her first sleepover ever! She and her friends are going to tell spooky stories, try on makeup, and raid the refrigerator. But then Karen and Nancy get into a big fight. Karen doesn't want Nancy to come to her party. A new girl comes instead...
"Please come to my sleepover!"Karen’s having her first sleepover ever! She and her friends are going to tell spooky stories, try on makeup, and raid the refrigerator. But then Karen and Nancy get into a big fight. Karen doesn’t want Nancy to come to her party....
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
It's Karen's birthday! She can't wait for all those presents. Karen is even having two parties — one at Daddy's house and one at Mommy's. But what Karen really wants for her birthday is one party, with her whole family together. Wi...
It’s Karen’s special day!It’s Karen’s birthday! She can’t wait for all those presents. Karen is even having two parties -- one at Daddy’s house and one at Mommy’s. But what Karen really wants for her birthday is one party, with her whole family toget...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
Karen Brewer, Big Sister Everybody used to love Karen. She was cute. She was the littlest sister. But now baby Emily is in their family, and Karen feels left out. Then Emily gets sick and everybody has to take care of her. Even Karen...
Karen Brewer, Big SisterEverybody used to love Karen. She was cute. She was the littlest sister. But now baby Emily is in their family, and Karen feels left out. Then Emily gets sick and everybody has to take care of her. Even Karen. And that’s when Karen finds ...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
Say Cheese! Karen has to get glasses -- two pairs! One pair for reading and one for all the time. Karen does not want glasses. Her school pictures are going to be taken soon! But Karen has to . . . so she picks out some pretty pink and blue ones...
Say Cheese!Karen has to get glasses -- two pairs One pair for reading and one for all the time. Karen does not want glasses. Her school pictures are going to be taken soon! But Karen has she picks out some pretty pink and blue ones. Karen thinks she looks very gro...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
We Heart Cats! Karen's best friend Hannie just got a new kitten. Now all her friends have cats. And Karen has a great idea. She can start a club like her big sister Kristy. It will be a Kittycat Club! What will the club do? Karen can...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
No fair! Karen is having a bad-luck day. Her favorite jeans are missing. There's no prize in the Crunch-O cereal box. And Boo-Boo the cat runs away from her! Karen tries everything to make her day better. But her bad luck just won't ...
Karen's bad day begins when she falls out of bed and ends with her in tears, so she is only mildly surprised to find she holds a family record for bad things happening in one day.
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
Karen will try anything! Karen has new roller skates. She is a very good skater. She can ever do tricks. But oh, no! Karen falls down and breaks her wrist! She has to go to the hospital and get a cast. Karen wan...
Karen will try anything! Karen has new roller skates. She is a very good skater. She can even do tricks. But oh, no! Karen falls down and breaks her wrist! She has to go to the hospital and get a cast.Now Karen wants somebody famous to sign her cast. It is...
By Ann M. Martin, Illustrated by Christine Almeda
Is she Mrs. Porter...or a witch? Karen lives next door to an old lady named Mrs. Porter. Mrs. Porter wears long black robes and has wild gray hair. Her black cat is named Midnight. No wonder Karen thinks Mrs. Porter is a witch! Mrs. ...
Is she Mrs. Porter . . . or a witch? Karen lives next door to an old lady named Mrs. Porter. Mrs. Porter wears long black robes and has wild gray hair. Her black cat is named Midnight. No wonder Karen thinks Mrs. Porter is a witch!Mrs. Porter is having a meeting a...