The Vimy Oaks
About this book
A soldier, a handful of acorns — and a hundred-year legacy of hope, remembrance and renewal.
“I am writing seated at the foot of a large oak,” wrote Leslie Miller in his diary in 1916, while war raged around him. Little could this Canadian soldier have imagined how future generations would come to enjoy the majestic oak trees he grew after his return to Canada.
Standing amidst the devastation of war, Leslie picked up a handful of acorns and mailed them home, where they were nurtured. This small but amazingly hopeful act continues to be felt just as powerfully today, one hundred years after the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The living legacy of Leslie Miller’s “Vimy Oaks” inspires hope as the world remembers and honours the soldiers who served in the First World War.
Praise for The Vimy Oaks: A Journey to Peace:
"Recounting this amazing story of the repatriation of the Vimy Oaks in France, Linda Granfield's moving text, paired with Brian Deine's stunning artwork, is a pleasure to behold. Many archival photographs add context to the story. This is a picture book that will be shared with generations to come as it celebrates a most important part of Canada and France's shared history and acknowledges the importance of peace." — Sandra O'Brien, Canadian Children's Book News
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