The Bad Guys in They're Bee-Hind You! (The Bad Guys #14)
About this book
"I wish I'd had these books as a kid. Hilarious!" -- Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants and Dog Man
They may look like Bad Guys, but these wannabe heroes are doing good deeds... whether you like it or not in this New York Times bestselling illustrated series.
POP QUIZ! You are on the roof of a skyscraper. Every floor of that building has nasty things that just don't like you. And you REALLY need to get to the basement. Whaddaya do?! (And no, you can’t just join the B-Team and fly away in their glamorous new spaceship.) Think quick, chico, because the multiverse is getting worse!
Praise for The Bad Guys:
* "This book instantly joins the classic ranks of Captain Underpants and The Stinky Cheese Man. We challenge anyone to read this and keep a straight face." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review
* "Guaranteed to be a hit for chapter book readers looking for humor and action." -- School Library Journal, starred review