Sequins, Secrets, and Silver Linings 12+
About this book
Nonie's a freak for fashion. Eco-conscious Edie blogs to save the world--and get into Harvard. Starter-starlet Jenny just landed a small part in a big Hollywood blockbuster. But when these trendy London besties meet a Ugandan refugee girl named Crow, sketching a dress at the V&A Museum, their worldview gets an extreme makeover. As they learn about the serious situation in Crow's homeland, they decide to pool their talents to call attention to the crisis of the Night Walking children. A catwalk show featuring Crow's designs--quelle chic way to raise awareness! Now...how to "make it work"?!Reviews
Praise for Sequins, Secrets and Silver Linings:
"A rags-to-riches tale... adopted by readers of all ages." —BritishVogue.com
"Promises to win the hearts of stylistas of all ages. Feel good and fashion-fabulous? That's a perfect prezzie right there." —MarieClaire.co.uk
"We suspect it will be finding its way into many a stylish handbag." —ElleUK.com
"Great fun. Girls will love it!" —Jacqueline Wilson, author of How to Survive Summer Camp
"Elegant and funny and has real narrative verve." —David Almond, author of Skellig
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