Photo of Secondhand Wishes

Secondhand Wishes

Categories: Fiction
Power of Story: Mental Health
Ebook  Hardcover  
ISBN: 9781338280173 Pages: 256 Ages: 8-12 Dimensions: 5.750" x 7.750"

About this book

Lexi has to keep the universe in balance. If she does enough good things, like being on time, then the bad things, like her little brother needing more surgery, won't happen. It doesn't always work, but she has to keep trying. Just in case. On an extra bad day, Lexi finds a bag of four wishing stones in the antique shop in town, and wishes that her BFF Cassa and the new girl would stop talking to each other. That night, Cassa calls Lexi, crying over the end of her friendship with Marina. The wishes work!

Sort of. When she wishes on the Success stone for the courage to try out for dance club, Lexi wows the entire auditorium with. . .singing? And when she wishes on the Health stone, her little brother starts squeaking like a hamster. This isn't the first time those wishing stones have been wished on -- and secondhand wishes come with unexpected consequences!

This sweet and funny story from Anna Staniszewski is perfect for anyone who's wished for a dash of magic in their day!


Praise for Anna Staniszewski:

"An action-packed week with a bit of real-life fairy tale and a taste of happily ever after thrown in for good measure. Tweens, especially those with a fairy tale fetish, will devour Ainsley's story." -- Children's Literature

"As always, Staniszewski provides a deft mix of comedy and sensitive, deeper themes, making her book not only entertaining, but one that offers wisdom. She knows where to mine the humor from middle school life but does not sacrifice her characterizations for easy laughs. Light -- but not lightweight -- fun for preteens." -- Kirkus Reviews

"Confidently addressing a number of common tween troubles that include bullying, parental divorce, and peer pressure, Staniszewski introduces a determined eighth-grader desperate to get her separated parents back together in this humorous problem novel." -- Publishers Weekly

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