Photo of Change of Heart

Change of Heart 12+

ISBN: 9780545985697 Pages: 224 Ages: 13-17 Dimensions: 5" x 7.75"

About this book

When her best friend Billy is charged with murder, Robyn is determined to prove his innocence. Things have changed in Robyn's world. Her friends Morgan and Billy, formerly a couple, have broken up and Billy is not reacting well. He continues to pester Morgan and even starts a fight with her new love, Sean Sloane. Robyn, who is also still pining over her ex-boyfriend Nick, isn't sure how to deal with the awkwardness of this situation. Until, one night, hockey star Sean Sloane is found dead at the rink. With all evidence pointing to Billy, Robyn gets back to work, and uncovers some truths about Sean Sloane - the popular boy, who wasn't who he appeared to be.

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