Photo of I Am Princess X

I Am Princess X 12+

By Cherie Priest, Illustrated by Kali Ciesemier
Categories: Teen Reads, Fiction
Hardcover  Ebook  Paperback  
ISBN: 9781338032352 Pages: 240 Ages: 12 and up Dimensions: 5.250" x 8.000"

About this book

Once upon a time, two best friends created a princess together. Libby drew the pictures, May wrote the tales, and their heroine, Princess X, slayed all the dragons and scaled all the mountains their imaginations could conjure.

Once upon a few years later, Libby was in the car with her mom, driving across the Ballard Bridge on a rainy night. When the car went over the side, Libby passed away, and Princess X died with her.

Once upon a now: May is sixteen and lonely, wandering the streets of Seattle, when she sees a sticker slapped in a corner window.

Princess X?

When May looks around, she sees the Princess everywhere: Stickers. Patches. Graffiti. There's an entire underground culture, focused around a webcomic at The more May explores the webcomic, the more she sees disturbing similarities between Libby's story and Princess X online. And that means that only one person could have started this phenomenon -- her best friend, Libby, who lives.


*"Priest's YA debut is an engrossing cyberthriller packed with a puzzling mystery, crackerjack detective work, and an eerie, atmospheric sense of place. Teens who roll their eyes at adults out of touch with Internet culture will eat this up." -- Booklist, starred review

*"An excellent book with loads of cross-genre and cross-format appeal. Highly recommended." -- School Library Journal, starred review

*"Fresh and contemporary, this hybrid novel/comic packs a lot of plot in a relatively short book, but its strongest suit may be Priest's keen understanding of the chasmic gap between the way teens and adults engage in the landscape of the Internet." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review

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