Photo of Hop into Bed!

Hop into Bed!

ISBN: 9781443157261 Pages: 32 Ages: 3-5 Dimensions: 9.375" x 9.250"
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About this book

This little frog will hop to anything any time . . . except when it's time for bed!

A bouncy, hoppy frog, full of irrepressible energy, won't go to sleep. He just wants to jump. And jump and jump and jump. Finally, everyone else goes to sleep but he keep jumping until the sun comes up. The next day, he sleeps through his whole day — even band practice and a field trip to the zoo. The only time he gets any zip back is at bedtime when his parents tell him to hop into bed. That he does, “with a triple-flip and a double-twist!”

Perfect for every child who's reluctant at bedtime, with a gentle reminder that rest is needed and a new day awaits. All served with a big dose of humour and joy, and with the distinctive style of acclaimed author and illustrator Nicholas Oldland.


Commended, Best Books for Kids and Teens, Canadian Children's Book Centre 2018
Commended, Resource Links, Best of the Year 2018

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