Oblivion (The Gatekeepers #5)
About this book
Matt. Pedro. Scott. Jamie. Scar. Five Gatekeepers have finally found one another. And only the five of them can fight the evil force that is on the rise, threatening the destruction of the world.In the penultimate volume of The Gatekeepers series, a massive storm arose that signalled the beginning of the end. Now the five Gatekeepers must battle the evil power the storm has unleashed -- and strive to stop the world from ending.
Praise for The Gatekeepers:
"Younger teens who like an exciting adventure mixed with supernatural horror will thrill to Matt's story." -VOYA
"Horowitz truly knows his way around a plot; he keeps the tension at a nail-biting level throughout." -Kirkus
"There's no denying Horowitz's talent for creating monstrous evil and pumping up the tension with bloody details, exciting escapes, and cliff-hanging sequences." -Booklist