Fly Guy and the Frankenfly (Fly Guy #13)
About this book
In the latest installment of the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Fly Guy series, Buzz and Fly Guy spend a day together playing some spooky games and doing arts and crafts projects. When Buzz goes to bed, Fly Guy stays awake and is "bizzie"! Buzz has a nightmare that a gigantic Frankenfly monster is out to get him! But when he wakes up, all he sees is Fly Guy, who fell asleep making posters showing that he and Buzz are best friends.The wacky dream scene involving Frankenfly is fun and hilarious, not scary. Buzz awakens to a sweet message of friendship that is nothing to be afraid of.
Praise for HI! FLY GUY"Readers drawn by the flashy foil cover will stick around to applaud this unusually capable critter." --PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
Praise for FLY HIGH, FLY GUY!
"A shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readers funny and action-packed." --KIRKUS REVIEWS
Praise for RIDE, FLY GUY, RIDE!
"Clear type, bright white space, and careful word choice make this a must-read for children ready for books a little more challenging than Elephant and Piggie." --KIRKUS REVIEWS