Photo of Between Words: A Friendship Tale

Between Words: A Friendship Tale

Power of Story: Racialized Identities
ISBN: 9781338736250 Pages: 40 Ages: 4-8
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About this book

Kai is used to following the seasons with Pa, from place to new place where people speak languages unfamiliar to his ears. When they finally settle in a valley full of pools, Kai tries to invite the other children to join in his play, but the strangeness of his words drives them away. Frustrated, he kicks his most treasured stone into one of the pools and in his search for it, finds something even more valuable.

Dive into a whimsical tale of unexpected friendship, told with compassion and warmth. With every brushstroke, Saki Tanaka paints a radiant world where bonds are formed beyond language barriers.


Through powerful visual storytelling, this exquisite tale makes clear that words aren’t necessary to develop a truly lasting bond... A pitch-perfect tale for shy friend-makers everywhere. -- Kirkus Reviews

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