Ready, Set, Go!
Ages 3 - 8
32 Pages
Scholastic Canada Ltd.
ISBN 978-1-4431-4658-6 Paperback
ISBN 978-1-4431-4657-9 Paper over board
Also available in French: Un, deux, trois, partez!
Miranda’s dad is going to his very first marathon. But they get there late and Dad sends
Miranda back to the car for his lucky water bottle. Before she can find it, the starter’s horn
goes off and the runners are off!
Miranda grabs the water bottle and dashes down the course looking for her dad. She runs
up hills and down hills, and catches up with runners wearing tutus and vegetable costumes
and normal clothes. She asks each one: “Have you seen my dad?” Some of the runners
are nice, some ignore her, and some call her a pipsqueak, but none of them has seen her
Finally Miranda gets to the finish line, where she finds her father ... and gets a big surprise!