Ages 0 - 3
32 Pages
Scholastic Canada Ltd.
ISBN 9781443133135 Board book
Also available in French: Tout plein de câlins
Thea and her little brother Tate need a hug —
but sometimes, only a Mommy Hug will do.
When Thea gets mad at mommy, she and her little brother go for a walk around the block.
They meet a snail, a skunk, a porcupine, and a gorilla, and get a hug from each one — but the hugs are slimy, smelly, pokey, and way too hard! It's not until they get back to mommy that Tate and Thea get a really good hug.
Following the success of the revised board book editions of Alligator Baby, We Share Everything!, and Up, Up, Down, Munsch and Martchenko have created their very first original book designed specifically for preschoolers!
This book was inspired by a brother and sister from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who Robert Munsch met while on a ski vacation.
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