Dear Canada: A step back in time



Windowsill Victory Garden

Victory Gardens was a patch of land where people grew food for their families, friends and neighbours in order to save supplies for the soldiers overseas during the war. You can make your own — right on your windowsill!


  • Window boxes for planting, with drainage trays
  • Seeds for lettuce, tomatoes or any other small vegetable
  • Potting soil
  • Plastic wrap
  • Craft sticks
  • Markers
  • Water


  1. Add potting soil to your window boxes so that it reaches an inch below the top rim.
  2. Scatter the seeds lightly over the soil about an inch apart — remember a few seeds go a long way! You can combine different seeds in one container or separate them. If you mix them, just plant them in separate sections of the box. Label the craft stick with the type of seed it is and stick it into the soil where appropriate.
  3. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil over the seeds then water lightly, and cover the boxes with plastic wrap. Now it's ready for the windowsill.
  4. Continue to water your seeds, remembering not to overwater and to keep them covered with plastic wrap.
  5. When the seeds begin to sprout, you can remove the plastic wrap for good.
  6. In about 4–5 weeks your veggies will be ready and you can make yourself a big Victory salad! Remember to wash the vegetables before eating. Enjoy!