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Heartland #4: Taking Chances

Amy tightened her fingers on Sundance's reins and looked toward the fallen tree that lay across one side of the trail. "Come on, boy," she whispered. "Let's jump it!"

"Be careful, Amy," Soraya called. "It's a big one."

"Not for Sundance," Amy replied, turning her buckskin pony toward the tree trunk.

Seeing the jump, Sundance threw his head up in excitement and plunged forward, but Amy was ready for him. Her body moved effortlessly in the saddle. "Easy now," she murmured, her fingers caressing his warm neck.

The pony's golden ears flickered as he listened to her voice — and then he relaxed, his neck lowering and his mouth softening on the bit.

Amy squeezed with her legs. In five strides they reached the tree trunk. It loomed up in front of them — massive, solid. Amy felt Sundance's muscles gather as he took off perfectly and gracefully rose into the air. Amy caught a glimpse of thick, gnarled bark flashing by beneath the, felt a moment of suspension as if she and Sundance were flying, and then heard the sweet thud of hooves as he landed cleanly on the other side. They were over!

"Good boy!" Amy cried in delight.

"He looks so good!" Soraya said, letting Jasmine trot forward to meet them. "He's jumping better than ever, Amy."

"I know!" Amy grinned, patting Sundance's neck. "He's incredible!"

As the two ponies reached each other, Jasmine stretched out her neck to say hello. With an angry squeal, Sundance threw his head in the air, his ears back. "Stop it, Sundance!" Amy exclaimed, turning him away. "Jasmine's your friend."

The buckskin nuzzled her leg affectionately. Even though he was stubborn and difficult with most horses and people, he adored Amy. She had first seen him at a horse sale. Thin and unhappy, he lashed out at anyone who tried to come through the gate of his pen. But Amy had a special feeling about him and persuaded her mom to buy him. They took him back to Heartland, where Amy gradually gained his trust and affection.

"Are you planning to go to any shows with him?" Soraya asked as they started along the trail again.

Amy shook her head. "There's no time. All the stalls have been full since the day of the open house, and there's a waiting list of people who want to bring their horses here.'

Just two weeks ago, Lou had organized an open house at Heartland. People had been invited to come find out about Heartland's methods for curing physically and emotionally damaged horses. Amy and Ty had given demonstrations, and the day had been a great success. Ever since then, they had been inundated with inquiries from owners of problem horses.

"It's good, though, that you've got lots of horses boarding," Soraya said. "I mean, it must be such a relief to know that you can carry on your mom's work and not stress too much about money."

Amy nodded, remembering the difficulties Heartland had faced before the open house. After her mom died, Heartland had come close to shutting down because of the lack of customers. They had been extremely close to running out of money and losing everything. But now, thankfully, it was different. Business was booming.

"Yeah, I'm glad we're busy," she said. "Even if it does mean that I don't have much time to go to shows." She patted Sundance's neck. "Still, things might get easier now that Ben will be working for us."

Ben was eighteen and nephew of Lisa Stillman, the wealthy and successful owner of Fairfield Arabian Stud. After Amy had cured one of Fairfield's prestigious show horses, Lisa had been so impressed that she arranged for Ben to come and work at Heartland so he could learn their methods. He was expected to arrive that afternoon.

Soraya glanced at Amy. "Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"Why?" Amy grinned. "Are you interested?" She and Soraya had both met Ben briefly when he had dropped off the problem horse that Amy treated. Tall and good looking, he had seemed OK, but he wasn't really Amy's type.

"You have to admit he is cute," Soraya said. She raised her eyebrows. "Poor guy. I guess he's not going to know anyone around here. I'll just have to offer to give him a tour."

Amy feigned innocence. "Don't go out of your way, Soraya. I'm sure Ty can do it — he's looking forward to having another guy around the place."

"Oh, no" Soraya said quickly. "I'm sure I'd make a much better guide than Ty."

"Well, I'm looking forward to seeing Ben's horse," Amy said. "He's a show jumper. Ben said he'd only work at Heartland if he could bring his horse, too."

"So, what time's he coming?" Soraya asked.

"Two o'clock."

Soraya glanced at her watch. "We should get a move on, then. It's almost one-thirty."

Amy gathered up her reins. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

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