Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce

Sandry's Book

Scholastic Canada Ltd.
ISBN 0-590-12490-0 PBK
ISBN 0-590-12381-5 HC
152 pages
Ages 10-15

The Story -

Here begins the tale of Daja, Briar, Tris, and Sandry, four children brought to Winding Circle Temple for training in crafts and magic. They are outcasts in their homeland. But in this magical place, they are valued and respected for their special powers.

Book 1 : Sandry's Book - An Excerpt

In the Palace of Black Swans, Zakdin, capital of Hatar

Blue eyes wide, Lady Sandrilene fa Toren watched her near-empty oil lamp. Her small mouth quivered as the flame at the end of the wick danced and shrank, throwing grim shadows on the barrels of food and water that shared her prison. When that flame was gone, she would be without in this windowless storeroom.

"I'll go crazy," she said flatly. "When they come to rescue me, I'll be raving mad." She refused to admit that, with this room locked from the outside and hidden by magic, a rescue was hopeless.

"I'll draw the mop away from here, far away," Pirisi had whispered through the keyhole, speaking in her native Tradertalk. "You'll be safe until the smallpox had run its course. Then I'll return for you." But her nurse had never returned. Right outside the door, the mop had caught her and killed her because she was a hated Trader. With Prisi dead, no one would even know where Sandry had spent her last days.

From Circle of Magic #1: Sandry's Book, copyright © 1997 by Tamora Pierce.

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