Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce

Briar's Book

Scholastic Canada Ltd.
152 pages
Ages 10-15

The Story -

Briar, whose magic lies in the realm of plants, finds that a dear friend is suffering from a mysterious illness. Briar and his fellow mages-in-training must bind their magic together to save the person that Briar loves best.

Book 4 : Briar's Book - An Excerpt

"Briar, I need my glass," Rosethorn ordered. "And I want quiet, understood?"

"Yes, Lady," replied Alleypup.

Briar grinned - Rosethron was always convincing - and took a velvet puch from the workbag. Carefully he slid out its contents: a round lens four inches across, its edges bound in a metal band, fixed to a metal handle. He passed it to his teacher.

Rosethorn examined Flick, talking softly to her the entire time. At last the dedicate sat back, frowning. "When did you get sick, and how did this illness develop?"

Flick answered weakly. At last Rosethorn stood, holding his lens out for Briar to take. As he did, he saw that drops of sweat had formed like pearls on Rosethorn's pale skin . . .

From Circle of Magic #4: Briar's Book, copyright © 1999 by Tamora Pierce.

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