Rookie Toddler Board Books
By Scholastic Inc. | ISBN 978-0-531-20918-9
Ages 0-2 | BB | Board Books
Each board book in this series features the rhythmic, rhyming interactive text that is becoming a hallmark to the Rookie Toddler line, along with bright and energetic full-colour illustrations or photos that depict readiness concepts and body awareness.
Can You Say Please? | ISBN 978-0-531-20918-9
Counting 1 to 20 | ISBN 978-0-531-20913-4
Red Pepper, Yellow Squash: A Book of Colors | ISBN 978-0-531-20917-2
Shapes That Go | ISBN 978-0-531-20915-8
Seasons, The | ISBN 978-0-531-20914-1
It Is Time for? | ISBN 978-0-531-20916-5