Results for "Gilles Tibo"


By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
Nicholas eats, sleeps and breathes hockey! Whether heʼs wrangling his equipment, playing in the big game or helping a new friend, heʼs always up to the challenge — on and off the ice.This hardcover collection includes five favourite stories about Nicholas and hi...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Geneviève Després
In a magical kingdom far away, there is a little knight who’s ready to conquer the day! When he hears someone calling for help, he rushes to the rescue. But soon enough, he discovers that someone else — someone faster — has already saved them. What’s worse is that it h...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Geneviève Després
Even knights need to get a good night's rest!As our favourite Little Knight gets ready for bed, something magical happens — a star falls out of the sky and on to his bed. What to do with it? When he tucks it under his pillow the pointy ends prick him....
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
Hockey really is the best!When a really bad case of the flu means Nicholas has to miss hockey training camp, his despair is followed by determination to find a new sport!He tries tennis, gymnastics, yoga, running, swimming and weight lifting. He ...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
Can Nicholas change his friend’s luck on the ice?Nicholas and Jeremy, a new student, have a lot in common, but Jeremy has trouble keeping up with the other kids in sports. He tries hard but he’s always last to be chosen for a team.
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Geneviève Després
Sometimes the bravest thing a knight can do is to lay down his arms.In a curious kingdom built on top of a forest lives a little knight. He has no battles, because there are no enemies around. He spends long days reading and planting flowers, lo...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
Nicholas and his family are going on a ski trip! What could go wrong?Nicholas is so excited for his family's ski trip that he's had his backpack, long johns, and snowboard boots on for three days already. But before they leave, Nicholas has a whole list of thing...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
All Nicholas wants for Christmas is . . . everything hockey!Nicholas can hardly contain his excitement leading up to Christmas. There's only one thing on his wish list: hockey gear! When the big day arrives, Nicholas is ecstatic to discover that he...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
When opinions are flying faster than pucks, Nicholas must devise his own strategy to win the championship game!Nicholas has his parents, his coach, the other spectators, and even his sister doling out advice on how to take on the top team in the le...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
Nicholas has to play goalie for the first time — and he can't stay awake!The night before a hockey game, Nicholas agrees to fill in as goalie for his team. He has never played in net before, and spends a restless night thinking about it. That mak...
By Gilles Tibo, Illustrated By Bruno St-Aubin
Will Nicholas be able to sift through his mess and find all of his hockey gear in time for practice?Nicholas's room is a disaster area — he doesn't know where anything is. And he still has to get all of his hockey gear together, put it on, eat br...

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