Sharing the Message of Truth and Reconciliation

A Resource for Parents, Kids, and Educators

What Is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation is described as working together to repair a relationship. The relationship between Indigenous Peoples and non-Indigenous people is harming Indigenous Peoples. We all need to work to make it better.

Talking About Reconciliation

Reconciliation and the lasting impacts of residential schools have sparked conversations around Indigenous issues, histories, and perspectives in homes and classrooms across Canada, and the need for more resources for parents, teachers, and students.

© Peter Berglund/Getty Images

‘Truth Before Reconciliation.’ The importance of understanding the true history of Canada regarding Indigenous Peoples must occur before reconciliation. Each Canadian needs to know that the impacts of government policy, including residential schools, were designed to be hurtful to Indigenous Peoples.

Brad Baker
Educator from the Squamish Nation

Photo of the Take Action for Reconciliation Advisory Team

Take Action for Reconciliation Advisory Team

In response to the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s report in 2015, Scholastic Canada partnered with Indigenous educators including 10 key advisors to create the classroom resource Take Action for Reconciliation for Grades 3—8.

© Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Background for Parents and Educators

In 2008, the federal government began the Truth and Reconciliation process with a formal apology to the Survivors of residential schools.

As part of the process, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) was set up to go across Canada to interview and gather statements from Indigenous Peoples relating to residential schools. Residential schools began in the 1800s, and the last one was closed in 1996.

Photo on left: Vancouver, B.C.:
People attend the "Orange Shirt Day" and "National Day for Truth and Reconciliation" ceremony held at Grandview Park in Vancouver, British Columbia on September 30, 2021. Orange Shirt Day is an Indigenous-led grassroots commemorative day that honours the children who survived residential schools and remembers those who did not.

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Featured Resources

These sample articles and lessons may help teachers, parents, and children start their journey of learning about Canada’s history with Indigenous Peoples and take their first steps towards reconciliation.

What Is Reconciliation?

This selection explains the meaning of reconciliation and looks at some of the different ideas people have about it.

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How Colonialism Affects Indigenous Wellness

This selection explains how colonialism has affected and continues to affect the physical, cultural, and mental wellness of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individuals, families, and communities.

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Changing the Legacy of Residential Schools

This selection delves into the legacy of residential schools and how communities are healing from that legacy.

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About the Resource

Learn more about Take Action for Reconciliation.

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Teaching and Learning Connections

Learn about things you can do in your community to spark conversations around reconciliation.


Discussion Guide

Read the full discussion guide to learn more.

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Learn more about Take Action for Reconciliation

Selections for this site are excerpts taken from the classroom resource Take Action for Reconciliation. Visit the site to learn more about the resource.

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