Pokémon 8 Book Boxset | Scholastic Canada
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Pokémon 8 Book Boxset Read an excerpt

Pokémon 8 Book Boxset

By S E Heller   and Tracey West   and Sheila Sweeny   and Howie Dewin   

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9781338193091 Paperback
Pages | 5.35" x 7.67" | Ages 7 to 10

Gotta read ’em all! Pokémon chapter books perfect for middle-grade Poké-Masters!

This boxset contains the following 8 Pokémon chapter books: Scyther, Heart of a Champion; The Fourstar Challenge; Secret of the Pink Pokemon; Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium; Psyduck Ducks Out; Talent Showdown; Race to Danger; Journey to the Orange Islands.