Letter Town: A Seek-and-Find Alphabet Adventure | Scholastic Canada
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Letter Town: A Seek-and-Find Alphabet Adventure Read an excerpt

Letter Town: A Seek-and-Find Alphabet Adventure

By Darren Farrell   

Scholastic Inc | ISBN 9781338121070 Hardcover
48 Pages | 9.84" x 11.79" | Ages 3 to 5

Excuse me friend, have you yet

seen the home of the alphabet?

Come with me, I'll show you around

this lovely place called Letter Town.

Follow Bus Driver B through the jam-packed pages full of letters at work and play in a town unlike any other. From Avenue A to Zoo Z, there's always something to spot and see in Letter Town. Each bus stop reveals a new part of the town, while the bouncy rhyming narrative uncovers a sneaky Detective D's mission to capture Robber R, who is causing mischief throughout the neighborhoods. And don't forget to be on the lookout for more hilarious letter characters and creatures on every page!

In Letter Town, author-illustrator Darren Farrell takes up the rhyming seek-and-find mantle, applying his own singular charm and humor through the vast and varied wonders of the alphabet. Also included is a reverse jacket alphabet poster for little ones to proudly display and exercise their own letter-seeking and writing abilities.